tinyswitch_pk feedback design problem
Posted by: 168
dear pi engineer, please see the attached picture. and its from the seminar about the tinyswitch_pk series products.
and my problem is how to design the resistor of the feedback which arethe resistors RA and RB, their resistance and the power level? thanks in advance.
ok, assume the output is +5v. and the test current of the 4.3v zener is about 1ma, so the corespond resistance rb equals to: rb= (5-4.3)v/1ma=700ohm, am i right?
that should work
RA is not that critical -- value should be about 100 ohms for 5v output and perhaps 300 if regulating +12V. Rb sets this bias current for zener so it is operating at it's vendor specified current (typically 1mA). the relation is simple -- example for 1mA specified zener --- 1V/1mA = Rb where 1V is the forward drop of opto LED.