Zero Loss Automatic X Capacitor Rapid Discharge IC with Optional Lossless Zero Crossing Signal Generator
Zero Loss Automatic X Capacitor Rapid Discharge IC with Optional Lossless Zero Crossing Signal Generator
When AC voltage is applied, CAP300DG blocks current flow in the X capacitor safety discharge resistors, reducing the power loss to less than 5 mW, or essentially zero¹ at 230 VAC. When AC voltage is disconnected, CAP300DG automatically discharges the X capacitor by connecting the series discharge resistors. This operation allows total flexibility in the choice of the X capacitor to optimize differential mode EMI filtering and reduce inductor costs, with no change in power consumption.
Designing with CAP300DG is simply a matter of selecting the appropriate external resistor values for the X capacitor value being used to achieve the necessary time constant. The simplicity and ruggedness of the two terminal CAP300DG IC makes it an ideal choice in systems designed to meet ErP Lot 6 requirements.